Thrive Mental Health Program

We believe that every student, regardless of their zip code, should have access to quality mental health support.


average student-to-counselor ratio in South Carolina

1 in 5

youth will develop mental health difficulties that warrant a diagnosis


SC ranks 48 out of 50 states for the prevalence of youth with untreated major depression.

Students are 21x more likely to seek counseling when school services are available.

Tier 1

Universal Services

Universal Interventions focus on providing comprehensive mental and behavioral health support and resources to all students in our partnered schools. This includes offering trauma-informed training to educators.

Tier 2

Targeted Support Services

Offer individual or group support services, led by interns and external partners, for students needing Tier 2 assistance. This involves organizing specialized groups like grief or anxiety groups.

Tier 3

Intensive Support Services

Students showing signs of trauma at home or school will receive Tier 3 clinical therapy. Symptoms may include emotional distress, behavioral changes, coping difficulties, and more. Charleston Hope, school staff, and stakeholders will collaborate to identify and support these students. Our licensed clinicians will provide tailored Trauma- focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) modalities to address their needs.

Our THRIVE Program was developed by our Advisory Team of Clinicians:

  • Melissa Milanak

    Associate Professor, MUSC & Founder
    MIND Impact Consulting

  • Candra James

    Serenity Counseling
    Licensed Professional Counselor

  • Keara Ann Lincoln-McGee
